Here's something completely different...A collection of solar cells, starting with selenium sensors (remember the "electric eye" on automatic doors?), from around 1933.
A menagerie of interesting small boats and classic outboards, their restoration and improvement, and occasional use on the Chesapeake Bay and other waters
Wednesday, December 30, 2020
Good Old Solar Cells
Thursday, December 24, 2020
Chesapeake Bay Ice
Wednesday, December 23, 2020
Old Boat Graveyards, and the Jersey Boys
Here's some more history of Russell Post and other boat builders of his post-war generation...
And finally, the connection to Phil Bolger, whose first published design was a 32-foot sportfisherman in 1952 and designed for Egg Harbor Yachts...
More details on Phil Bolger, his boat design apprenticeships, and his connection to the Jersey Boys is here,
Tuesday, December 22, 2020
More on Flotation, and Masts
- Bostik Unigrip 999 or 1669 adhesive
- 18 oz Hypalon PVC fabric
- Air valve
- HH-66 adhesive
- 18 oz Shelter-Rite fabric
- 13 oz Weblon Regatta
Monday, December 21, 2020
Electric Boats
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Old Boat Graveyards
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Old Boat Graveyards
Friday, December 18, 2020
Small Boat Flotation and Howard Hughes' Flying Boat
For lots of reasons it's important to load the boat so that the heaviest items, such as water bottles, anchors, and chain rodes, are secured as low as possible, ideally between the cabin floor and the hull bottom. In addition, it is useful to store lighter items, such as clothes and sleeping bags, in sealed “dry bags” that are secured as far forward and as close to the deck as possible. This puts flotation up high and, together with a couple of flotation bags up high under the cockpit seats, should help keep the boat from turtling if it is flooded. If heavy weather is expected, right-side-up buoyancy can be further enhanced by securing dock bumpers to the gunwales using the deck cleats and railings.
And it’s worth repeating the obvious: the Potter -- and any small cabin boat -- has it's maximum amount of flotation in its cabin. If the cabin hatch boards are in place and the sliding hatch is closed during a knockdown, much of the green water will be kept out of the cabin, the boat will stay afloat, and it cannot turtle. Water inside the cockpit should drain out (make sure the plug is out, or is easy to pull out). I sail my Potter with the hatch boards in but the sliding hatch open, for ventilation and so that I can get to stuff in the cabin, and the odds are still excellent that a knockdown will not cause cabin flooding. And whenever the wind pipes up, the best insurance is to "batten down the hatches" and I close up the cabin.
Thursday, December 17, 2020
Wednesday, December 16, 2020
What I miss...
Chesapeake skiffs by Ed Thieler, Easton, Md...
Tuesday, December 15, 2020
Monday, December 14, 2020
More Design Information and Tools
Competition Composites Inc (CCI) in Ontario, Canada, builds foils for what looks like hundreds of one-design racing and cruising boats, from A Scows to Y Flyers. But alas, nothing for Potters or MacGregors...They also have a bunch of useful design information on foil design and performance on their website, if you're trying to figure out why you're not be pointing quite as high as you think you should. What's the right NACA profile? Techy, but I think it's approachable and explained well.
Here's the link to CCI's design page:
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Mast and Sail Stress Analysis -- Part 2
In Part 1 we figured out how much a mast will theoretically bend (and break?) under load. But does it?
First, a quick summary to highlight some of the conclusions if you skipped the math...
First, support the mast at the tip and where it passes through the partners. Support gaffs and lug, gunter, or lateen yards and booms (the the sail is not loose-footed) at their ends. As shown above, the force of the wind, in pounds per square foot, is given by 0.005 times the wind speed squared in knots. For example, a wind speed of 10 knots is equal to a pressure of (10 x 10 x 0.005 =) 0.5 pounds per square foot.
- 1/2 of the sail area for masts carrying Bermudian, gaff, or sprit sails;
- 1/2 of the sail area for the gaff and boom on a lateen sail; and
- 1/3 of the sail area for gaffs and lug or gunter yards
Once the spar is weighted down, measure the deflection using a string line fixed between the partner and mast tip. If the spar is rectangular, the wider, stiffer section (fore-aft section) should be in vertical axis. Imagine the sail pressure bending the mast top back.
Saturday, December 12, 2020
Sail and Mast Stress Analysis -- Part 1
Warning: Extremely Technical Content
(if this is too techy for you, stay tuned for Part 2, which is more practical than theoretical)
I mess around with small boats and sail on the upper Chesapeake Bay where the wind speeds are moderate as long as there’s not a thunderstorm. I like to experiment with different sails and rigs. I'm also a retired tech-builder (aka, old-school engineer), and this note addresses several questions I had concerning the stress on an unstayed mast on a small boat. There is a link to a "stress calculator" for determining beam deflection and stress, and it allows you to choose different materials like wood and aluminum. It seems to work pretty good, and I have been using it to look at hollow spars as well as the solid wood mast that I looked at in this note. It can also handle square and rectangular spars ("beams" in the calculator). Much of what I'm presenting here is based on Jim Michalak's excellent discussion of mast stresses in his newsletters, and hopefully you can still get them as a primary source. Thank you, Jim and Stuart Hopkins of Dabbler Sails, for educating me, and hopefully this will be useful to someone else who is asking the same questions (before they break that mast!).
1. Relate wind speed to pressure on the sail:
Pressure on sail, P, in pounds per square foot is given by
P = 0.005 x (V)**2, or 0.005 x V x V
where V is wind speed in knots
- At 5 knots, P = 0.125 psf
- At 10 knots, P = 0.50 psf
- At 15 knots, P = 1.12 psf
- At 20 knots, P = 2.0 psf
>> Rule of Thumb: You can figure on 1/2-pound of pressure per square foot of sail area at 10 knots of wind. And 2 pounds of pressure per square foot at 20 knots of wind. Would your sail and rig support you if you lie on top of it?
2. Calculate the maximum force on the mast due to wind -- pressure x area
Assume boat is level and stationary with respect to wind. Assume wind is directly into sail. And for this example, assume the area of sail is 100 SF
- At 5 knots, max force is (0.125 x 100) 12.5 pounds
- At 10 knots, max force is 50 pounds
- At 15 knots, max force is 112 pounds
- At 20 knots, mas force is 200 pounds
>> Rule of Thumb: A 100-SF sail in 10 knots of wind applies a 50 pound load to the mast. And a 20-knot gust increases the max force or load by a factor of four, to 200 pounds!
>> The capsize torque from that 20-knot gust is 200 pounds of sail load times the distance from the boat's center-of-gravity (CG) to the sail's center-of-effort (CE). For example, the capsize torque is 2,000 foot-pounds if the CG-to-CE distance is 10 feet (200 pounds x 10 feet).
To keep the boat level, you need to generate an equivalent torque in the opposite direction. For the above example, if you sit on the gunwale which is 3 feet from the CG (beam is 6 feet), you need 2,000 ft-lbs / 3 ft = 666 pounds of ballast on the windward rail to compensate for a 20-knot puff. Or, you can luff the sail. Conclusion: Never cleat the sheet in gusty winds.
3. Calculate bending of mast about the partner due to sail's wind load
>> Deflection, D in inches, of a cantilever beam fixed on one end is
D = P x (L**3) / (3 x E x I)
P = applied force, the sail pressure, in pound per square inch
L = distance between the sail's center-of-effort and the mast partner, in inches
E = Young's modulus of mast material in psi
I = moment of inertia of the mast in inches**4
Notice that the mast deflection is proportional to the applied load, P -- if you double the sail pressure, then the mast deflection doubles. Recall that sail pressure increases by the square of wind speed; if the wind speed doubles the sail pressure increases by a factor of four. Therefore the mast deflection (and the stress, until the mast begins to break) at 20 knots will be 4 times the deflection at 10 knots.
Also note that the deflection, D, scales with the cube of L (that is, L x L x L), where L is the height of the center-of-effort above the mast partner. If you can change just one variable, this is the one that makes the biggest difference. Double the sail CE height, and the deflection increases 8X. In the other direction, a small change in CE by lowering the sail CE a bit will result in a huge reduction in D.
If the mast is twice as stiff ("E" times "I" doubles), the mast deflection decreases by half. The moment of inertia ("I") will increase if the mast cross section increases. "Less bendy" wood will have a higher Young's modulus and increase the "E x I" (oak is more flexible than Douglas fir and has a low Young's modulus; pine is lower than oak. The Gougeon book, in Appendix B, has a list of Young's moduli for other woods).
To determine the mast deflection, we first need to determine how high the sail's center-of-effort is above the mast partner. For example, assume the mast is 15-16 feet long and the partner is two feet above the bottom end of mast. For a typical 100 SF lug or gaff sail, the center-of-effort would be about 5 feet above the foot of the sail. If we place the boom gooseneck two feet above the partner, then d, the distance between the mast partner and the sail's center-of-effort, is 5 + 2 = is 7 feet or 84 inches. Two feet below the partner into the step; top the sail is about 14 feet above the step. The top of the mast is one to two feet above the gaff at full sail lift.
We need to know what kind of wood the mast is made from; this allows us to determine the Young's modulus (or modulus of elasticity) of the wood:
- white pine = 0.99-1.24 x 10*6 psi (Gougeon, Appendix B)
- Sitka spruce = 1.23-1.57 x 10*6 psi (Gougeon)
- oak = 1.6 x 10*6 psi
- Douglas fir = 1.56-1.95 x 10*6 psi (Gougeon)
The moment of inertia, I (with dimension of inches to the 4th power), for a round beam is given by
I = 3.14 x (d**4) / 64
where d is the diameter (in inches) of the mast. For our example 3-inch mast,
I = 3.14 x (3 x 3 x 3 x 3) / 64
or moment of inertia (I) for the for 3 inch mast = 3.97 inch**4. From above, the deflection, D, of the mast (in inches) with an applied load (in pounds) from the wind in the sail is
D = P x (L**3) / 3 x E x I
For example, for the 3-inch well-dried Douglas fir mast that's 15 feet long with the CE at 7 feet,
D (inches) = P x (84 x 84 x 84) / (3 x 1950000 x 3.97), or
D (inches) = 0.0255 x P (pounds)
At a wind speed of 5 knots, the max pressure of a 100 SF sail is 12.5 pounds and the 3-inch fir mast will deflect 0.32 inches. At a wind speed of 10 knots, the pressure will increase by a factor of 4 to 50 pounds, and the mast deflection will increase to 1.28 inches. And at a wind speed of 20 knots, the mast deflection -- if the sail is not reefed or luffed -- will increase to 5.10 inches. Whoa! Look at that! Is my mast going to break?!?
Note 1: If you want to look at other loads or mast dimensions (e.g., diameter, or height of CE above the partner) use the link to "Beam Deflection Calculator -- Solid Round Beam", Be aware that the Young's modulus they are using for "wood" is lower than the value for Douglas fir.
Note 2: If you want to look at a solid square mast section, the moment of inertia is
I = (b**4)/12 where b = the dimension of the side in inches
Note 3: For a solid rectangular cross section, there are two moments for the narrow (x) and long (y) dimensions
Ix = b * (h**3)/12 and Iy = h * (b**3)/12
where "b" = short width and "h" = long width (height) of the rectangular beam
Note 4: For these or for hollow sections, use the Beam Deflection Calculator link above.
4. Calculate the stress in the mast at the partner -- Will it break?
The stress, S (in pounds per square inch), at the mast partner is given by
S = M x c / I
where "M" is the torque moment (in inch-pounds) due to the sail pressure on the mast; "c" is the distance from "neutral axis", or center of the mast, to the "extreme fiber", which is the outside edge of the mast. And "I" is the moment of inertia, the same that we calculated above.
The torque moment is simply the sail load, P (in pounds), times the distance (in inches) from the sail's CE to the mast partner, L; or M = P x L. So that the stress in the mast at the partner due to the sail pressure is given by
S = (P x L x c) / I
Note that the stress is proportional to the sail pressure; when sail pressure doubles, and stress doubles. Stress is also proportional to the distance above the mast partner; lowering the center of the sail will reduce the stress at the partner. The moment of inertia has the dimension of the mast "c" in it, so reducing the diameter reduces the moment of inertia faster, and has the effect of significantly increasing S.
For a wind speed of 10 knots, the pressure on mast from the 100-SF sail is 50 pounds. We assumed the center-to-partner distance of L = 84 inches. And for a 3-inch mast "c" = 1.5 inches. The moment of inertia, I, of a 3-inch solid round mast is 3.97 inch**4; and therefore the stress in the mast at the partner is
S (at 10 knots) = (50 x 84 x 1.5) / 3.97 = 1,587 pounds per square inch.
From "Gougeon Brothers on Boat Construction" (Appendix B), the breaking strength of Douglas fir is listed at 5,700-10,200 pounds per square inch. So we can conclude that at a wind speed of 10 knots, the stress on the 3-inch mast at the partner (for a 100 SF sail) is well below the breaking strength of fir.
However, with a gust of 20 knots the sail pressure increases to 200 pounds. In this case the stress on the partner is significantly bigger, S = 6,350 pounds per square inch, which exceeds the lower bound of breaking strength of fir -- and the mast may fail. Maybe well-dried, knot-free fir, with breaking strength at the upper limit, will survive the 20 knot gust. Of course, in the real world, there are a number of ways that the actual pressure on the mast could end up being less (e.g., a lug sail that will twist off in a puff, or we luff the sail, or bear up).
At this wind speed, luffing, reefing, using a tapered mast (to "twist off" wind pressure), adding shrouds and/or backstays or another similar strategy to insure mast and rig survival will be required.
5. Bonus -- What happens if the mast is made of aluminum tubing?
For a windspeed of 10 knots, the pressure on mast from the 100-SF sail is 50 pounds. We assumed the sail has a center-to-partner distance of L = 84 inches. We will stick with the 3-inch diameter mast and choose aluminum tubing with a wall thickness of 0.125 inches. Using the stress calculator (link shown above), the stress in the hollow aluminum mast at the mast partner will be
S (at 10 knots) = 5,390 pounds per square inch
and the mast deflection (at 10 knots) is 0.80 inch -- that is, barely noticeable.
Since the ultimate strength of 6061-T6 aluminum is listed as 35,000 pounds per square inch, which is about seven times the maximum stress on the mast at 10 knots of breeze, there should be little concern about mast failure. For a gust of 20 knots, the stress will increase to 21,500 pounds per square inch, which is still in the safe region for aluminum. However, with a deflection is 3.2 inches, the rig will begin to "twist off" -- or at the very least it will look like it is going to fail -- which will hopefully be recognized by the crew.
- "Sail Rig Spars", 9/1/1998
- "Hollow Spars", 2/1/2000
- "Ballast Calculations 3", 1/1/2006 -- wind speed to sail pressure
Friday, December 11, 2020
Small Catboat Rigs
Duckworks BBS has a new lightweight 10-foot camp-cruise kit dinghy called "Scout" that's now in development. They have designed a sporty 70-SF square-headed, full-batten, loose-footed cat rig for it, produced by Neil Pryde ( It is sleeved to fit onto a two-part windsurfer mast ( The price for the rig is listed at $1,050. I'm guessing that just the sail will sell for around $500, without the battens.
I saw the boat in the photo below a few years ago at CBMM's Labor Day auction. The mast is aluminum. And instead of the usual aluminum tube boom, the boat has a wishbone boom, which looks like it's directly off a windsurfer.
[photos in 2014/15 archive, CBMM auction 2015]
Thursday, December 10, 2020
Mini-Trawler Conversion -- Part 6
Hardtop Dodger
Shade and shelter are now required features on all my boats, and the mini-trawler was designed with a hard dodger to extend the cabin space. In the original build plan each of the cabin side panels was cut from a sheet of plywood, which would keep things simple, reduce the number of parts, and eliminate several epoxy/cleat steps. The practical problem that I needed to address once I started was how to build inside the shop, and then get the boat out -- the garage door opening provided only seven feet of vertical clearance. The build plan changed almost immediately and the dodger became an add-on.
The hard dodger top itself was a repurposed panel from an earlier project boat (the electric catamaran that didn’t make it in prime time and was dismantled). The front supports are bolted to the top and to cabin sides. The wide aft panels are removable. The grey rear supports are hinged at the aft crosspiece on the top, and they can swing up when the top is stowed. With the top up, the bottom ends are attached to the cabin sides, and they can fully support the top without the wide panels. But the wide panels add a lot more stiffness and strength to the structure, and give some protection from wind and spray. They give a great feeling of security when standing in the cockpit because you are surrounded by structure on three sides.
The repurposed dodger top was big enough to cover the cockpit, and it was nicely cambered to stiffen it and to shed water. As an experiment to save epoxy (and exposure to epoxy for large-area coating jobs), I had tried painting the 1/4-inch marine plywood panel, top and bottom, with a couple of coats of Titebond III before it was primed and painted. But after only a few years of exposure to sun and snow, the marine plywood had begun to check. My conclusion: Titebond is not an adequate substitute for epoxy as a sealer, at least not on my boats.
The outboard is one of my good old 1965 Evinrude 6-hp “Fisherman” outboards. The burned-up red gelcoat on the Cutter's topsides was sanded and primed and then roller-painted (no tipping) "work boat grey" -- one can of Rustoleum grey mixed with one can of white. The "window" is another mock-up.
Even with the beefing up and epoxy-fabric coating, the dodger top is still light, easy to lift, and the two oak struts are strong enough to support the dodger until the side panels are attached. With the struts constraining the motion to fore-and-aft, the top is always in control until the side panels are locked on. And because of the built-in camber, it’s also stiff and strong enough to support a couple of small solar panels that I will use for battery charging.
What's in Your Ditch Bag?
New Tech Bights article now out in issue No. 135 of Small Craft Advisor magazine .
All of the MacGregor powersailers have twin kick-up rudders that are used both for sailing and when the outboard is running, even at speed. ...
Warning: Extremely Technical Content (if this is too techy for you, stay tuned for Part 2, which is more practical than theoretical) Questio...
It was -9F in Duluth, MN this morning, with Lake Superior "smoke on the water" /. So winter is coming...I...